Savage Gear 3D Tpe Mayfly Nymph Imitation of a Peach Nymph Spinning 5cm 2.5gr
3D TPE MAYFLY NYMPH The 3D TPE Mayfly Nymph is based on a 3D scan of a real May nymph and features incredible detail even for its small size. TPE material is very durable, has excellent elasticity and can also be used on a fly rod. The bait mimics an ephemeral to perfection and has the most incredible action on the market with the paws fluttering falling and tail on the twitch. Realistic colors and details will deceive trout or wary chubs. The bait behaves brilliantly with both currents and calm water, great for many species besides trout, including perch and chub. TPE material is a soft but durable material that looks very natural. The fish bites and holds the bait in its mouth as if it were real prey. The material is also very durable and will last for many, many fish. IMPORTANT: Do not store TPE baits with soft PVC baits, TPE material has memory, it is recommended to store in the supplied package.
• Great for ultralight fishing
• Ultra-sharp and durable hook
• TPE material (do not store with soft PVC baits)
• Micro-movements of the paws
• Incredible realistic details
• 5 cm, 2.5 g, hook no. 3
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I prodotti per la pesca Savage Gear sono quanto di meglio il mercato possa offrire per la pesca a spinning, la gamma comprende canne da pesca, mulinelli da pesca, artificiali sia minnow che soft, accessori come guadini per la pesca a spinning e la migliore minuteria come fili e girelle.
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